
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Ki-O-Rahi tornement

Yesterday our class went to a ki-o-Rahi tournament here is my reflection on it. Photos are underneath   

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Litera Language

 In class, we have been learning about hyperbole, metaphor, personification, and simile. by doing this quiz 

Knowlege Of Text Type

 In class, we have been learning about questions on a river and we had to use subheadings, photographs/images, titles, diagrams, and lead sentences to help us find the right place to read.



Tuesday, June 21, 2022


In class, we went to the Waitangi river to test the velocity speed of the water with a soccer ball at the Lilly pond. Here is the graph I created to show the speed of the river.

ScienceIMAGE OF CHART: To save this image to your hard drive, right-click on the image and select Save Picture As...

The average speed is 86.09 when you divide it by 5 it equals 17.218. .the longest time is 19.85 and the shortest time is 15.81

Jonah Gets Angry For Gods Forgiveness


In class,we have been learning about forgiveness and today we were learning about jonahs forgiveness

 WALT uses the study of the bible to gain an understanding that we all need  God's help, mercy, and love, and we are all called to forgive others.


The Bible records many stories about "forgiving". The Lord Jesus also taught us this: when we forgive men when they sin against us, our heavenly father will also forgive us. However, it's hard to forgive from our hearts. With God’s help, you can forgive. 


Your assignment is to research "forgiving", in the bible and share what you learned. You will need to use reference material such as or search engines to locate stories of forgiveness in the Bible.


Begin by brainstorming possible topics and bible references


Create your own framework to record bible references you will read, key events within it, and your thoughts. In week 8 you will use this to write what you learned from the bible about forgiveness. 
How did I go ⚫   ✅    ✅✅     ✅✅✅

My self-assessment

I can use reference material to locate starting points (bible stories) relevant to forgiveness
I can create a framework to record my key ideas and notes
I can read the bible independently 
I can use my notes to write about what I learned about forgiveness
Teacher comment 



Sunday, June 19, 2022

Caught In A Rip

 In class, we have been writing a different model of the story called the tunnel.

There were two brothers who were not at all alike;they were different in every way. The younger brother stayed on the sand and the older brother was always in the water. The older brother liked to swim with his bros, diving, tumbling, bomb, snorkel, and surf in the waves. During the day the older brother liked to go on lots of action adventures but the younger brother would stay safe on the sand. Sometimes the older brother would creep up on the

 younger brother and drag him into the water. “Oh come on you little chicken,it’s only waves,” teased the older brother.

One morning their mother got angry with them,“ like a cat and a mouse!”out you go together,’’ she said, and try be nice to each other just for once’,Jack is out swimming bombing and having fun while james is playing on the sand. jack tells james to come out for a swim because it is hot. James looks at the waves and thinks there to big for him to handle. ‘’James get in haer you little baby or i will drag you in’’ said Jack‘’James said no i will not leave this sand bank’’.Jack goes out to far then he gets caught in a rip and get pulled out over 50 meters away from shore.


His brother waited for him to come back from the water. Fear gripped his heart tears tethering to burst from his eyes.Knowing his brother might not come back James jumps in the water to go follow jack, knowing there were jellyfish, stingrays and sharks but he was determent to save or see where his brother is. As James was swimming out to jack, he saw a fin behind jack. James started to yell’’ shark! Shark! Behind you’’ swim to me, Jack said’’ you swim to me the currant is to strong’’.OK! Then he swims to him and they swim together slow and steady knowing there was shark behind them. They made it to the sand bank thanking james for saving him.

They ran through the sand, down the road and thourgh the door. When they reached home, their mom was washing the dishes.’’ Hello,’’ she said, ’’ you two seem very quiet.‘’ is everything alright?’’ Jack smiled at his brother. James smiled back.                          

New Ending

 In class, we have been reading a story about thirst, our task was to make up our own ending of the story

    I think I have down the following well  

somethings I need to work on are 2A sentences and boys' sentences

After I Got some water from the neighbor's tank they saw me, and my parents knew both of them there Names Knife and Fork they had a son named Spoon. All three of them were angry, mad, furious chasing me I had to jump fences, under houses many more crazy things to lose them i even had to throw a dog's bone at them to get away. Brooke still didn't tell but she'll always think about it, to tell mum and dad what I did but say never mind they got suspicious of it because she always did it.

I lost them,then went home the next day I saw Mr. Knife and Mrs Fork, they didn't chase me or growl me,hey did nothing they must have forgotten, I went to talk to them but was still nervous and scared because they looked as mad as every person in the world.I thought they would wait for to get close but no they did nun of that we had a good long talk I didn't know if I wanted to talk to them but i'd did my stomach dropped and my heart sunk tears taking over my eyes, I felt my shivers down my spine.

After I talked to Mr Knife and Mrs Fork my parents were standing at the driveway.I was more scared than any person in the world right now because i thought that Brooke told mum and dad about the water but they were just looking to see how much water we have. Our tanks was filled to the top.I was thinking it would be funny to scare her (but then she thought Nah im telling on you now not out loud but in her head)She told but luckily she has lied to my parents before so they didn't believe her.